Elite Daily: 10 Sex Fears That May Be Preventing You From Actually Enjoying Sex

Aside from the folktale about the penis masticating vagina, “Teeth,” the real world has its more- to lesser-known reasons as to why humans might have a fear to fornicate. No matter the reason, sexual fears are common, but you need to be able to separate the rational from irrational fears. Also, discover what your values are as a human, what you’re comfortable with sexually and what makes you feel happy. This is your body, your life and your choice, always.

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Daily News: Fam Plan for Janet: 49-year-old delays tour, hints at Child

April 7, 2016

“It’s definitely possible to have a live first baby (at 50), but the odds are like winning the lottery,” said Dr. John Zhang, medical director at New Hope Fertility Center at Columbus Circle.

Read entire article on DailyNews.com

Arise News: Arise America: Dr John Zhang & Leftover Embryos

June 30, 2015

As many as 1-million frozen embryos are preserved in storage facilities throughout the USA. Most are leftovers belonging to couples who could not conceive naturally. What to do with these excess embryos raises challenging ethical questions. Arise America discussed the ethical debate with Dr. John Zhang, founder and medical director of New Hope Fertility Center.

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NTDTV: Dr. Zhang’s Infertility Discussion with NTDTV

December 14, 2015

Original segment was aired in December 17th, 2015 in the series Health 1+1. New Hope Fertility Center’s Founder and Fertility doctor, Dr. John Zhang, discuss what is infertility and the leading cause of infertility.

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The Week: Will sex become purely recreational by 2050?

June 16, 2016

Decades ago, it was hard to imagine public support for unconventional baby making. In vitro fertilization’s first “test tube baby,” Louise Brown, was born in 1978 to a world still enraptured by the futuristic genetic caste system put forth in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. But Brown is 36, and by now millions of families have experienced that same sense of joy as her parents had. The stigma of the practice — in which eggs are fertilized by sperm in a lab — certainly isn’t gone, but it’s lessening. A 2013 Pew survey showed only 12 percent of adults think IVF is morally wrong.

Read entire article on The Week

Harper’s Bazaar: A Fashion Insider on Freezing Her Eggs

April 9,2015

The questions become more frequent and alarming around 38. When people find out you are single and have not yet born a child, the reactions are almost vexed—from women and men alike—as if the end of the world is near and you’re about to pull the short end of the stick. But, your appalled audience collectively assures, there is a Noah’s ark, the antidote to the predicament that is a child-less future with one simple question: “Are you freezing your eggs?”

Read entire article on Harper’s Bazaar

Rogers.tv: Keeping Your Baby Healthy – Before They’re Born

April 12, 2016

Dr. John Zhang talks about rescheduling motherhood with in vitro fertilization as well as genetic screening tests.

IVF Advantage: Should I Get Karyotyping Before My IVF Cycle?

November 7, 2014

Dr. Zhang speaks to IVFAdvantage about genetic testing and how it can greatly help couples seeking fertility care maximize their changes for achieving a successful pregnancy.

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HowMuchDoesIVFCost.com: Reducing The Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy During IVF

November 7, 2014

Dr. Zhang speaks to HowMuchDoesIVFCost.com about ways that frozen embryo transfers and minimal stimulation IVF protocols can help women avoid ectopic pregnancies when doing assisted reproduction.

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CBS: Companies Offering Coverage To Female Employees Wanting To Freeze Their Eggs

October 14, 2014

Dr. Zhang speaks to CBS news about the growing need for egg freezing and why it is important for companies to understand that this will become an increasingly important benefit to offer to patients.

Read entire article on CBS

NYPost.com: 47-year-old woman gives birth to twins

May 11, 2014

Freddi Baranoff is featured in the New York Post, talking about how New Hope Fertility Center gave her hope when other fertility centers were not able to help her.

Read the entire article at NYPost.com

Parenting.com: Beat Your Biological Clock with Egg Freezing

Feb 10, 2014

Dr. Zhang talks about Egg Freezing, what it is and who can benefit most from this technology.

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