Los Angeles Times: Baby boy with DNA from 3 people offers hope for moms who would pass on deadly genetic diseases

September 27, 2016

A healthy baby boy is the first person to be born with DNA from three people, according to a medical report released Tuesday

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New Scientist: Exclusive: World’s first baby born with new “3 parent” technique

September 27, 2016

It’s a boy! A five-month-old boy is the first baby to be born using a new technique that incorporates DNA from three people, New Scientist can reveal. “This is great news and a huge deal,” says Dusko Ilic at King’s College London, who wasn’t involved in the work. “It’s revolutionary.”

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Sky News: World’s first baby born using DNA from three parents

September 27, 2016

Fertility doctors say the world’s first baby has been born using DNA from three parents in a technique hailed as “revolutionary”. The controversial “three-parent” technique allows people with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies.The baby called Abrahim, whose mother and father are Jordanian, was born in Mexico with the help of a New-York based team led by Dr John Zhang.

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BBC: First ‘three person baby’ born using new method

September 27, 2016

The world’s first baby has been born using a new “three person” fertility technique, New Scientist reveals.The five-month-old boy has the usual DNA from his mum and dad, plus a tiny bit of genetic code from a donor. US doctors took the unprecedented step to ensure the baby boy would be free of a genetic condition that his Jordanian mother carries in her genes.

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Verywell: What Is Mini or Micro IVF?

September 03, 2016

Dr. Zhang speaks about fertility and New Hope’s special Mini IVF. Compared to IUI, mini-IVF costs slightly more than IUI but has improved pregnancy success rates. You’re also less likely to conceive multiples with mini-IVF when compared to IUI treatment.

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BioNews: Mitochondrial donation case study finally published after 13 years

August 22, 2016

Chinese researchers say an IVF technique called pronuclear transfer can safely produce a viable pregnancy.

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Fox News: Mini-IVF: The next breakthrough in fertility treatments?’ technique is safe

August 21, 2016

Close-up with New Hope Fertility’s Dr. Zaher Merhi and Mini-IVF. Now a recognized treatment, standardized and reported on by SART, New Hope’s New York Mini IVF patient discusses how Mini IVF was the answer to her dreams. “Mini IVF may be an option for some women, such as those who have diminished ovarian reserve, because regardless of the amount of medication they take, the same number of eggs will likely be retrieved.”

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Stylcaster: 20 Things Every Woman Should Know About STDs’ technique is safe

August 21, 2016

New Hope Fertility Doctor Zitao Liu comments on STDs and STIs in this myth busting article that every woman should read. As a consummate authority on women’s health, Dr. Liu discusses “20 major myths, truths, and STD prevention tips that will keep your sex life has and, more importantly, healthy.”

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Independent: Scientists break 13-year silence to insist ‘three-parent baby’ technique is safe

August 11, 2016

Medical Director of New Hope Fertility Center, Dr. John Zhang, talks about the newest, breakthrough IVF technique called 3-parent IVF. He discusses his prior research into the subject and the current hold-ups with getting the process pushed through UK Parliament. Safety, he suggests, is not a concern anymore.

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Daily News: Relax, moms — IVF doesn’t increase risk of breast cancer

July 25, 2016

Dr. Zitao Liu discusses the new JAMA study and what it means for patients undergoing IVF Treatment and potential cancer risks citing several patients that have come who are now, “certainly more optimistic” about treatment without risk. “We’ve known for a long time that there was no correlation between IVF treatment and breast or ovarian cancer. The JAMA study is good because it is a published case to reinforce this idea, and we have many patients who are comforted knowing about the study.”

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Pix 11: Embryo adoption brings hope to couples in need

May 9,2016

It’s an option many couples turn to when they have problems conceiving. But along with a rise in vitro fertilization (IVF) comes an increase in the number of embryos sitting in labs across the country. What happens to those hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos once families decide their household is complete?

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CCTV: Shortage of donations in Chinese sperm banks since the two-child policy

May 5, 2016

Reports that Chinese sperm banks are facing a severe shortages have caused a stir on the Internet. Demand has increased since the two-child policy came into effect. For ethical reasons, China bans any forms of commercial sperm banks and the country now has 17 public sperm banks in total.

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Over 15,000 New Hope Babies born since 2006!