What Black Parents Need to Know About Infertility

Jan 3, 2023

Dr. Jennifer Makarov is quoted stating, “What’s important to know about fertility is that the treatment gets less successful the longer you wait. So, if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year or longer, and you’re under the age of 35, you should go see a fertility specialist.”

Read entire article on Verywell Family

What Is Mini IVF And Is It Right For You?

Sep 8, 2022

Dr. John Zhang was quoted in the piece saying, “Mini IVF, also known as minimal stimulation IVF, takes a more natural approach to traditional conventional IVF methods, which focuses on collecting a large number of eggs by daily injections whereas Mini IVF focuses on collecting fewer, better quality eggs by mainly [taking] daily pills”

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What Is Fertility?

Sep 1, 2022

Dr. Jennifer Makarov is quoted in the article discussing causes of infertility and healthy habits to boost fertility.

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How To Talk To Your Partner About IVF

Feb 10, 2023

In the piece Rosaria discusses when to have conversations with your partner about IVF: “It is important to start the conversation as early as possible so your partner can be the support that is needed…It is important to be honest and open with your partner [and] forthright about the process, testing involved, timelines, costs and ultimate goals.” She goes on to add: “IVF can be expensive and many couples feel the financial burden on their relationship. It is important to discuss these costs upfront and formulate a plan and budget together. Feeling as though you are on the same page and supported is paramount when navigating the IVF journey.”

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How IVF Can Affect Your Mental Health

Feb 7, 2023

Dr. Makarov was quoted throughout the article. She was specifically quoted stating, “There’s a lot of pressure on couples going through IVF, mixed with the shame and guilt they feel from having infertility. So this creates an emotionally stressful environment.” She also shared that, “It’s important to note the medication and protocols used during IVF can be modified if you do have mood symptoms or mood side effects from the medication,” Makarov suggested. “So if you’re feeling your mental health is worsening when you’re on IVF medication, you should definitely discuss this with your physician to discuss any changes which could be made in the medication, so you can feel better.”

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If You Decide to Use IVF, Here’s What Happens Next

Jan 31, 2023

Dr. Makarov was quoted throughout the article. She was specifically quoted stating, I do see a lot of patients who really needed IVF to get pregnant but were too hesitant to go through IVF, thinking the only way was to take very high-dose injections, but actually there are other ways,” Makarov said. “There are more innovative protocols which use a lot of your body’s natural hormones, which is actually what IVF injections are; they are synthetic hormones of the hormones your body makes naturally.”

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Is wearing underwear healtheir than going commando? Here’s what expert say

Jan 27, 2023

Dr. Jennifer Makarov is quoted stating, “Underwear can prevent vaginal discharge, which is normal and healthy, from getting on your clothing.” She also shares that, “When the underwear fabric you’re wearing is nonbreathable, like a synthetic fabric, underwear can trap moisture in the vaginal area,” she says. “And for some women, this increased moisture can lead to yeast infections.”

Read entire article on Yahoo! Life

Does Birth Control Affect Muscle Growth?

Jan 8, 2023

Dr. Khaled Zeitoun was quoted in the piece saying, “Previous studies measure the muscle mass itself but not the strength of the muscles,” he says. “Research doing that doesn’t find much difference between people taking pills and not taking pills.” In other words, simply having slightly less muscle mass doesn’t automatically translate to less strength.”

Read entire article on Livestrong.com

What Black Parents Need to Know About Infertility

Jan 3, 2023

Dr. Jennifer Makarov is quoted stating, “What’s important to know about fertility is that the treatment gets less successful the longer you wait. So, if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year or longer, and you’re under the age of 35, you should go see a fertility specialist.”

Read entire article on Verywell Family

Needle-Free IVF: A Natural, Pain-Free Alternative

Dec 14, 2022

This piece highlights New Hope Fertility’s Needle-Free IVF as a new gentle pain-free alternative fertility treatment available that anyone looking to make a baby can benefit from. Needle-Free IVF is less complicated because you can avoid the most unpleasant parts of the IVF process. Plus, it has a similar pregnancy success rate to conventional IVF.

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How Much Does it Cost to Freeze Sperm

Dec 1, 2022

Andrology Lab Manager Michelle Vega discusses why a person would freeze their sperm. She is quoted stating, “You may also want your sperm frozen if you are going to undergo treatment for a severe illness—generally cancer—as treatments like chemotherapy usually heavily decrease sperm count and production.” When discussing what the most cost-effective way to freeze sperm, she shared, “For cost-effectiveness, you would have to compare freezing/storage costs at your local IVF centers or cryobanks.”

Read entire article on Forbes Health

What Couples Should Know About Men’s Age and Fertility

Nov 18, 2022

Dr. Jennifer Makarov discusses what happens to sperm as men age, how sperm changes and paternal age could affect a child and what to know if you want to wait to have a child.

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