Engaging in regular exercise during in vitro fertilization (IVF) can offer a multitude of health advantages. Apart from promoting a balanced diet, physical activity can contribute significantly to the body’s fertility journey in various aspects.

When it comes to exercise during IVF, however, there are a few extra precautions and considerations to keep in mind, particularly as it relates to the frequency, intensity, and type of workout that can be performed while undergoing fertility treatments.

In this article, we’ll be highlighting the Dos of exercising during IVF treatment and touching on some of the Don’ts to be mindful of during the process.

Understanding IVF and Exercise Guidelines

There are quite a few benefits to exercising during IVF stimulation. Specifically, exercise during IVF stimulation–when it is light to moderate*–can help facilitate your body’s ability to conceive by helping balance out hormones, improving circulation, and in general, creating healthier overall well-being. But there are restrictions during IVF stimulation when it comes to exercise that must be followed to ensure the treatment is effective. Mainly, this involves avoiding any high-impact or strenuous exercise, as these can potentially affect blood flow to the reproductive organs or otherwise lead to injury.

Additionally, when undergoing the hormone injection phase or embryo transfer phase of IVF, or if you have ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), exercise may be greatly limited, often contained to walking, gentle stretching, or even no exercise at all.

*Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

Do’s — Exercise During IVF Stimulation

Low Impact & Intensity Exercises

  • Walking – One of the easiest low-impact exercises to incorporate into your daily routine. Begin at a comfortable pace and slowly increase your speed and duration as you feel comfortable, making sure to monitor how your body feels as you do so.
  • Pilates – Pilates focuses on core strength, stability, and flexibility and involves mat-based controlled movements that can be adapted to suit different fitness levels.
  • Yoga – By combining gentle stretching, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, yoga improves flexibility, reduces stress levels, and promotes mindfulness.

During the pre-ovulation phase of IVF, yoga can be more energetic to focus on blood flow and detoxing excess hormones. But during the retrieval phase and the days following the transfer, it’s best to avoid all physical activity and instead let your body heal through the practice of meditation and visualization.

Yoga after embryo transfer, once the tenderness has subsided, should be gentle and nurturing. Focus on specific poses that are stress-relieving and supportive such as:

  • Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
  • Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
  • Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Moderate Impact & Intensity Exercises

  • Swimming
  • Water Aerobics
  • Stationary Cycling
  • Tai Chi
  • Light Weightlifting

Don’ts — IVF & Exercise Restrictions

High Impact & Intensity Exercises

  • High-Impact Activities – Anything that puts excessive stress on the body through jumping, bouncing, or sudden movements should be avoided. That includes running during IVF stimulation, as well as HIIT workouts.
  • Contact Sports – Avoid contact sports like football, basketball, or soccer that carry a high risk of a fall or collision.
  • Heavy Weightlifting – Lifting that strains or increases pressure on the abdominals or entails deep twists such as squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, or heavy ab crunches are advised against.

No Exercise During Egg Retrieval or Embryo Transfer

It’s important not to engage in any physical activity during the week of egg retrieval, as well as the two weeks following embryo transfer. Rest and relaxation should be the focus during this time, and activity should be kept to an absolute minimum, which excludes most light to moderate exercise.

Why New Hope?

New Hope Fertility Center is home to world-renowned fertility specialists. We custom-design fertility treatments for the individual to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Our specialists believe in putting the patient first and being with them through every step of the fertility journey. Our team is well-versed in helping women of all ages reach their fertility goals and we are passionate about educating and supporting our patients throughout their journey. If you want compassionate fertility care, New Hope is the right place for you. Call us at (347) 970-8479 or schedule your initial consultation today!